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Five Easy Toning Exercises you can Do Anywhere

Exercise are important part of our own lives. Remaining in the form is another way to increase self-expectations. Standing and walking training is important also to increase muscle mass and bone strength and density as you age.

Everyone knows what to do when it comes to exercising. However, the problem is where and when to get a job. With a busy lifestyle, making time to exercise is really hard.
Weight bearing exercises not only for bodybuilders. As you age, especially after you hit the age of forty, you start to lose muscle mass {. For women especially, bone loss becomes a problem. When your body needs to rob calcium from your bones. Body-building does not only increase their mass but your strength.

Allow me to share five simple toning exercises you can do it anywhere and whenever you have time. At home, workplace, or vacation, you can perform this exercise easily, but quite effective.

1. Reverse lunges - Lungeswork quadriceps muscles. They can be difficult for those who haveknee problem. A reverse lunge is still the right tone muscle groups, but with less pressure on the knee. Stand with your feet together and arms at your side. Take one leg and move it backwards until you are in a lunge position: the front leg bent at an angle of 90 degrees and the rear leg is extended until you are on the balls of your feet. From this position lower yourself down until back knee almost touches the floor. Hold for a count of two and return to starting position.
2. Squatting - working squat butt, hamstring and quadriceps muscles. If you are unsure of the exact shape, you can use a chair. Stand with feet shoulder width apart and feet firmly planted. Push your butt back as if you were getting ready to sit in a chair. Keep abs tight and your upper body straight. Once you reach the level of the chair to stop and hold the position for a count of two to five and release. At the lowest point, putting all your weight on your heels for balance and toning maximum.
3. Butt Lift Bridge - It sounds like plastic surgery technique but is an easy way to tone your butt. Lie down with feet flat on the floor, feet shoulder width apart. Put your hand, palm side down, on both sides of your body. Pushing with your legs, squeeze your gluteal muscles and lift your buttocks off the floor. Hold position for count of five to ten and let go to the floor.
4. Pushups - This is a classic toning exercises that work all areas of the arm coupled with the chest muscles. If you are not comfortable or powerful enough to do the pushup on your toes, lower your body to your knees. Make sure your hands tucked into the body and back straight as you lower and lift your body.
5. Sit-ups - your abdominal muscles to work every day to build strength and muscle. Lying on the floor in a sitting position, lace your fingers behind your head. Squeeze the abdominal muscles, lift your upper body until your lower back is about to come off the floor. Hold for 2-5 counts and return to starting position.

The five exercise moves can be done whenever you have time. The best thing about exercise is that the effects are cumulative. Even five or ten minutes every time will work to your advantage.
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